The Covid-19 pandemic affected all spheres of business. From small companies to larger corporations, the global impact of the pandemic was evident. The question arises: “How can companies futureproof against unpredictability?”
To answer this question, we need to consider all aspects of future businesses. From their organization to their preparation for future events, we need to make sure that we cover all the details.
How the Pandemic Affected Us
Companies that were 100% remote did not feel the strong impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, and that is why they were in a better position when it comes to the future of small businesses. Most businesses that were not remote were affected by the pandemic, and the main issue was the organization of the work.
The companies needed to have laptops and other devices to continue the business operations. In those companies where devices were not available, the employees brought their own devices and they worked on their laptops. This is not a good situation for both employers and employees because the workers spent their resources to work remotely.
Some companies needed to switch to remote work in less than 24 hours, which was a tremendous attack on productivity. Workers needed to reorganize and they spent more time at home. This resulted in the different work-life balance troubles that happened during the lockdowns.
Security Issues and Other Concerns
While going remotely, many companies faced security challenges. The troubles with the Zoom hacking issues and many other security concerns were big problems. Companies and employees needed to find a way to secure their devices and ensure uninterrupted work.
There were also legal challenges with contracts that secure servers, and these legal issues were a huge problem in remote work. We also had challenges with communication due to sensitive information. The hackers and their illegal activities had chances to reveal information about users and their activity on personal servers. This created security concerns that both employers and employees were worried about.
Internet connectivity and software issues were also part of the troubles for employees. While the workers were in their homes, IT specialists were not able to solve the mentioned issues. This led to even bigger frustrations. IT leaders needed to find a way to provide a smooth digital experience while leaving workers with good software and security solutions.
How to Organize Better in the Future
There are numerous ways to prepare for the future, and some of them lie in the good organization of the work. Companies need to adapt fast and create a better position for the workers. To make this possible, the companies need to solve software issues. In this matter, they need to ensure better collaboration, learning, and optimization.
There are also security concerns that need attention. The companies need to invest in the protection against external agents. This also includes dealing with devices that the company does not own.
One more way to build a better business in the future is to work on employee digital experience management. With this management, it is possible to reach employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction.
There should also be a better collaboration with IT partners that should be connected to each company department. IT partners should provide a Digital Experience Management (DEM) platform that must ensure some important aspects of gathering data. The platform should gather historical data, a rich depth of data, and data from across the entire estate. In this manner, the employees’ digital experience can be maximized and the employees could provide better performance at work.
All of the mentioned improvements will affect every business in the future. If we learn from the past, we will be able to predict the future. The pandemic taught us to be smarter, and we should use adequate resources to plan better and organize the business in the future in the right way.